Soda Firing Workshop with David Cuzick
Spaces are limited to 12 CASD members for this workshop and depending on the response we may need to hold a lottery. You will have 4 days to sign up and the cost for the workshop is $125.
You will be able to bring 6-8 varied sizes of cone 10 clay only bisque pieces no larger than 10″ and no flat pieces or plates. Cups, mugs, bowls, pitchers, jars and small sculptures work well especially with some texture. We can also accommodate a few medium-large pieces under the arch at the top of the kiln. For clay bodies cone 10 white stoneware, porcelain and B-Mix work the best.
Here is the Workshop Schedule:
- Friday, February 2nd we will meet at David’s studio at 9am for a few hours and David will go over the soda decorating and glazing techniques. He will also share examples of shapes, forms and textures for your pieces. .
- Thursday, February 15th starting at 9am we will apply flashing slip and glaze, load the kiln and clean up the glazing area. **
- Friday, February 16th David will fire the kiln and we are invited to arrive around 4:00pm or later for a potluck and if you wish to experience and participate in introducing the soda into the kiln. We will start adding the soda around 5:30-6:00
- Saturday, February 17th the kiln will be cooling
- Sunday, February 18th we will gather around 12:00 to unload, discuss the results of the firing and clean up the area, grind shelves and bricks and take our pots with us.**
**These are mandatory days you’ll need to attend.
Pictures from the event